
Receive an email every time your web form is submitted, serverless.

No back end needed for your contact form or landing page,
no script, no captcha, no SMTP server.

1.Set up a form on your website:

You can include any input type you want, except file.
For example, a contact form with the fields email, name and message:

<label>Email address:
<input type="email" name="email" required />
<input type="text" name="name" required />
<textarea name="message" required></textarea>

Define a form-to-email template:

You can use any field included in the form:


Reply To: {{email}}

Subject: 👋 {{name}} wants to get in touch


{{name}} has a message for you:


3.Let us do the rest.

Every time a person submits the form, form-to-email will send the email to you (or your client).
Meanwhile, spambots will be blocked before reaching your inbox.

You will also have a tabular view of all data submitted through the form.
This data will remain confidential and not shared to any third party except the email-sending service.

Get started
no credit card asked, see pricing